Emergent Digital Practices

新兴数字实践计划(EDP)是数字艺术的开创性融合, 设计, 文化, and technology focused on building a better world.

在EDP,我们有远见的工作结合了创造性和批判性思维. 我们的教师和学生寻求更好地了解新兴技术及其对文化和生态的影响. We use those technologies in a hands-on, 协作环境有助于建立更有意义和更公平的社区.

我们在文科、人文和科学的交叉点茁壮成长. Our faculty and students bring together inclusive digital 设计, electronic and new media arts and technology, 以及创造性的编码,为我们对文化和社会的研究做出贡献, the arts and sciences, media philosophy, science fiction, trans-global politics, and social justice.

If you have a passion for digital arts and theory, and consider yourself a creative and critical thinker, you'll flourish in EDP, where we're dissolving the lines between artists, 设计师, scholars and inventors. EDP计划准备你在创新的,未定义的,和不熟悉的技术空间工作. You will develop unique skill sets, vision and purpose, 以及对公共利益的承诺,这将在未来广泛的机会中证明是有价值的.


EDP是为那些想要扩大技术在艺术中的潜力的批判性思想家准备的, 设计 and 文化 by:
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    creating interactive art and virtual worlds. 

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    engaging 3D world fabrication to create a call to social action. 

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    developing technological solutions for supporting creativity. 

Undergraduate Programs

本科学生通过文学学士学位探索新的数字技术,通过批判性思维开发创造性项目, 论坛 or minor in Emergent Digital Practices.

In the BA and minor, you'll learn about the ideas, 文化, 以及那些塑造我们当前技术格局的人,以及第二专业或第二专业的人. You’ll work in a collaborative environment, 使用数据可视化等数字工具创建复杂而富有表现力的作品, virtual reality experiences and immersive installations. As a 论坛 student, 您将更深入地研究这些主题,并将您的工作扩展到以美术为重点的实践中, developing works for public audiences in museums, galleries and other creative spaces.

Whatever paths you pursue after graduation—further academic study, professional careers, 社会行动主义或非营利服务——我们运用批判性思维的独特组合, creative technology and social engagement will help you thrive.

探索 Our Undergraduate Degrees

BA /小


Graduate Programs

As a graduate student, 您将通过新兴数字实践的硕士或硕士学位来想象数字技术的新可能性.

The MA degree offers opportunities for you to develop your critical, 通过在本科学习领域和专业经验的基础上创造新的技术应用,提高技术和艺术技能. In the MFA degree, 你将专注于创造一种批判性和社会参与的艺术和设计实践, 准备从事媒体艺术和设计方面的专业实践.

我们的研究生学位挑战你有目的的思考和创造-成为新兴技术发展和应用的新领导者, the previously untried, and the otherwise unimagined new media that will shape our future.

These programs are not currently accepting applications.

探索 Our Graduate Degrees



“我选择杜克大学是因为我真的被新兴数字实践部门所吸引. 它是新媒体工具和技术在艺术环境中的应用.”

Max Mather, Student in the Emergent Digital Practices MFA
EDP student project

4+1 BA & MA

如果你正在寻求一个综合学位,汇集了我们的本科和研究生课程, consider our 4+1 BA & 马项目. In this program, 你将深入研究你的课程作业,并开发一篇最终论文,向委员会和未来的雇主展示你的知识和实践. 

students view EDP capstone project

Students in Action

Our students connect art, 技术和设计通过关键的研究实践和创造性的项目. 本科学生Ashley Kneemueller是一名环境科学家和数字艺术家,她的作品结合了她的两种激情,并批评了人类世对生态和人类寿命的影响. Kneemueller’s BA Capstone project, “Newscape,” explored the emotional impact of the 24-hour news cycle. MFA student Cherish Marquez created an exploratory game, Slot of the Odds, which was featured at Redline Contemporary Art Center. Marquez's project, 这是一幅应用游戏设计和创意编码知识的互动艺术作品, 调查边境城镇和移民的重要社会和历史背景. In this immersive experience, 玩家穿过沙漠,然后玩老虎机的赔率,试图越过边界.


了解更多 About Student Projects

社区 Connections




Our alumni go on to careers in a vast array of different fields, from game 设计 to interactive media to teaching in art and 设计. 我们的校友是艺术家和教育家,包括Morehshin Allahyari, MA '09. Allahyari通过多种媒介创作艺术,包括雕塑、装置、3D打印和声音. Allahyari的 art and teaching “探索技术”作为一种哲学工具集来反思物体,作为一种诗意的手段来记录我们个人和集体的生活和斗争."



In Emergent Digital Practices, 我们致力于知识前沿的创新和研究实践, art and technology for the public good. 我们致力于实践,为广泛的技术文化形式和学科之间的对话与合作提供新的战略. 跨学科的流动性促使我们创建了新兴数字实践项目, 合并了大学之前的数字媒体研究和电子媒体艺术 & Design programs.

我们在技术领域拥有20多年的强大和动态的基础, 艺术和学术的范围从机构和地方到国家和国际. 我们致力于提供围绕创造力美德的创新课程, critical thinking and collaboration. 我们把这些价值观的管理作为衡量学生幸福的标准, 我们通过在当地为公共利益服务以及通过国家和国际伙伴关系为可持续发展服务来培养他们, global future.

EDP is driven by three principles:

创造力: our approach to artistic & scholarly praxis encourages experimentation, innovation and the cultivation of new experiences for the public good. 

Critical Thinking: our culturally oriented art, research & scholarship is driven by inclusive ethics, equal access to equitable technologies, environmental sustainability and global perspectives.

Collaboration: our model of working together inspires collegial interdisciplinarity, community-engagement, and long-term and sustainable partnerships from the local to the global. 

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